How Fast Will a Car Loan Raise My Credit Score?

A car is a big purchase, whether buying a brand new or used one, and a car loan can soften the impact of the big dent on your wallet. While the loan can positively affect your credit, it isn’t felt immediately. So, you may wonder “how fast will a car loan raise my credit score?”

Well, it all depends on your current credit standing, and what your credit report contains. If you have sterling credit and a flawless payment history, the effect on your credit score may not be much. However, if you have a more colorful payment history, then you may experience a big improvement later.

This post will help answer your question on how fast will a car loan raise your credit score, as well as provide more information on how credit scores are calculated, and the things you can do to raise your credit rating.

Will a Car Loan Raise Your Credit Score?

If you regularly pay your monthly loan installments on time, the loan will cause your credit score to improve. This will happen because the car loan meets all contributing factors in determining your credit score – additions to your payment history, the debt amount, new credit, length of credit history, and credit mix.

How Many Points Does a Car Loan Affect Your Credit Score?

A car loan may temporarily sting your credit score. This is because when you apply for a loan, a hard inquiry will be done on your credit that will result in a 5 to 10-point decrease in your FICO score. Your score will start to improve again with timely loan payments.

Is a Car Loan The Fastest Way to Build Credit?

A car loan doesn’t build your credit standing. However, your score is temporarily lowered by the hard inquiry done on your credit. Making timely payments will gradually help your credit score improve.

Simply put, availing of a car loan is a good long-term strategy to improve your credit score over the loan’s term, although you may initially experience a dip in your score.

How Fast Will a Car Loan Raise My Credit Score?

Most types of new credit tend to hurt your credit score, although a lot of other factors come into play. You may experience gradual improvements in your credit score after 60 to 120 days. This doesn’t apply to everyone as it may vary, depending on one’s credit situation.

How Long Does It Take For a New Car Loan to Show Up on Your Credit Report?

It may take as many as 60 days for a new loan to appear in your credit report. If it doesn’t show up after 60 days, contact your lender, and ask about their credit reporting policy. Check if your loan should have already appeared by then.

How to Increase: 5 Best Ways to Quickly Raise Your Credit Score

A car loan can affect your credit in various ways. If you have little credit history or a comparatively weak credit score, you may be disappointed with the result. If you have a decent credit score, you may experience a small boost, although it still needs some work.

If you’re having difficulty getting approved for a car loan, or you’re being offered unfavorable interest rates, don’t fret. There are strategies you can follow to boost your FICO score fast. This way, you can improve your credit, and get approved for a car loan.

#1 - Reduce Your Credit Utilization Ratio.

A great way to raise your score is to lower your credit utilization ratio. Even if your record reflects many late payments and high debt balances, you can still make your credit score higher.

Ideally, you should keep your credit card utilization at under 30% overall. A low credit utilization rate sends a message to lenders that you don’t heavily rely on credit, and you are a responsible borrower. This means that low credit utilization is linked to higher credit scores - the lower your credit utilization, the better.

Key Takeaway:

Your credit score will suffer if you exceed 30% credit utilization. Maxing out one credit card, for instance, will make your utilization rate soar, even if you have low utilization on the others.

#2 - Make more than one payment in a month.

By making multiple payments in the same month, you can keep your loan balance low. It will then be easier to monitor your spending. Although paying a little each time can help, paying off your entire loan balance has the biggest positive impact on your credit score.

If you can’t afford to pay the entire due for the month, you can pay it in several smaller amounts that add up to the total debt. Just make sure to pay within the same billing cycle.

Try to make at least two payments a month. This will not only allow you to save on interest cost and avoid late payment fees, but it will also help in paying off your debt faster.

Key Takeaway:

With proper motivation, you can pay off your debt faster, while saving on interest by making multiple payments in a single month.

#3 - Avoid triggering hard credit pulls.

Every application for new credit like a loan or credit card prompts the lender to make a hard pull or an inquiry on your credit records to determine your credit-worthiness. The hard pull appears on your credit reports, and can cause a dip in your credit score by as much as 10 points, although the effect can be minimal in many cases.

Ideally, you should keep your hard inquiries to 5 or less. More than that is considered excessive, and will put you at risk of significantly damaging not only your credit score, but also your chances to get new credit.

Key Takeaway:

While new credit can help boost your credit-worthiness, you should avoid recklessly applying for credit to avoid excessive hard credit pulls.

#4 - Request for a credit limit increase.

Directly ask your creditor for a higher credit limit. A higher credit limit will benefit not only you, but the lender as well. If granted, it will add flexibility to your spending. It likewise won’t harm your credit score.

A credit limit raise will pull your credit utilization ratio down. Your credit score will even improve if you regularly pay on time, and maintain your current spending level. However, if you start spending more using the added credit limit, your credit score may suffer.

Key Takeaway:

When you request for a higher credit limit, the lender will make either a hard or soft credit pull to get an idea of how well you handle your other debts.

#5 - Make timely payments.

Your credit score improves each time you pay on time. So make it a habit to always pay on time to build up your credit-worthiness faster. Avoid missing any payment.

The lower your credit balance, the better your credit score gets. This way, you keep your financial risks always low. If you want to maintain a good credit score and a low debt balance, always pay your debt in full - each and every time.

Key Takeaway:

Always pay on time, even earlier, if possible. This will keep your credit utilization low. Pay just before the debt incurs interest, and keep the money in an interest-earning account for the meantime.

Making timely payments matters most to your credit score. Likewise, making multiple payments that exceed the minimum due will help you lower your total debt faster. Maintaining a low debt total is good for your credit utilization rate, which in turn, benefits your credit score.

How Long Should I Keep My Car Loan to Build Credit?

If you intend to build your credit, pay your debt in monthly installments and hold paying off in full for around 12 to 24 months – even if you can afford to settle the debt in full. This way, you can build your credit while avoiding high interest charges.

Final Verdict

A long term debt can help build your credit and improve your credit score over time, as long as you don’t miss any payment and you keep your credit utilization under control. Improve your credit score fast by following the tips we provided in this post.

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